

登机 (Boarding)

“Boarding pass, please.”(请出示登机牌。)

“This way to your seat.”(这边走,到您的座位。)

“Window or aisle?”(您想要靠窗还是靠走道?)

安全指示 (Safety Instructions)

“Fasten your seat belt.”(请系好您的安全带。)

“Secure your tray table.”(请收起您的餐盘。)

“Oxygen masks have dropped.”(氧气面罩已落下。)

“In the event of a water landing…”(如果发生水上迫降…)

起飞前 (Before Takeoff)

“Please turn off all electronic devices.”(请关闭所有电子设备。)

“Make sure your seat back is upright.”(请确保您的座椅靠背竖直。)

“The captain has turned on the ‘Fasten Seat Belt’ sign.”(机长已开启“系好安全带”指示灯。)

飞行中 (In-Flight)

“We will be serving a meal shortly.”(我们很快将提供餐食。)

“Is there anything I can get for you?”(有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?)

“We have started our descent.”(我们已经开始降落。)

降落 (Landing)

“Please return your tray table to its upright position.”(请将您的餐盘收起。)

“Prepare for landing.”(准备降落。)

“The captain has turned off the ‘Fasten Seat Belt’ sign.”(机长已关闭“系好安全带”指示灯。)

下机 (Deplaning)

“Please remain seated until the aircraft has come to a complete stop.”(请等到飞机完全停稳后再起身。)

“Exit rows, you may now disembark.”(出口排的乘客现在可以下机了。)

“Thank you for flying with us.”(感谢您选择与我们同行。)

